Gestione del rischio clinico nell’ASL 3 Genovese: esperienze e prospettive

Giovanni Bruno, Angela Corbella, Sara Giacobbe, Bruna Rebagliati



In recent years all the most authoritative healthcare organizations have underlined the importance of improving clinical risk management strategies to ensure patients safety and cost savings. This article describes a one-year experience in the contest of ASL 3 Genovese, showing the developement of a risk management project, its aims and its limits. An adequate risk management approach should be based on a “system approach”, which assumes that errors of individuals can’t be avoided, but the system that surrounds them should provide a safety net for these mistakes. Therefore, efforts are to create a cooperation based on trust, where it’s possible to learn from errors and thinking together about new solutions.

Parole chiave

Risk management; Patients safety; Healthcare organizations; System approach

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