Profili bioetici dell’utilizzo del placebo in medicina

Pasquale Giustiniani



Placebo is defined as an inert substance or inactive treatment. It is usually used in clinical trials as a control and its effect is so significant that the “gold standard” of research design is the double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The question thus arises whether placebos should be used therapeutically. In the proposed case, the deceptive use of placebo on a teenager in USA allowed his mother to bring to court a doctor and three nurses for malpractice. This paper, from the bioethics point of view, discusses the clinical and ethical perspectives of the placebo use in clinical practice.

Parole chiave

Bioethics; Placebo; Pain medicine; Malpractice

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Abstract: 398 visualizzazioni
PDF: 1327 visualizzazioni


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