Un raro caso di aplasia eritroide pura che occulta un carcinoma squamoso della lingua
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7175/cmi.v5i2S.1116
We report a case of acquired pure red cell aplasia (APRCA) associated with carcinoma of the tongue: the first was considered a rare paraneoplastic syndrome. We point out that there is no case in literature with this association. After surgical operation (subglottic laryngectomy + right lymphadenectomy + laterocervical on the right) the transfusions required, at the beginning very frequent, decreased relevantly. This is a typical case where the paraneoplastic syndrome precedes the diagnosis of the primary carcinoma of the tongue (one year before what happens in bronchogenic carcinoma).
Pure red cell aplasia; Paraneoplastic syndrome; Carcinoma of the tongue
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