[Use of tenofovir monotherapy in a cohort of prisoners confined in the prisons of the Molise region and affected by mild HBV-related chronic hepatitis]

Roberto Patriarchi, Antonio Di Nicola, Orazio Grassi, Giuseppe De Bartolomeo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7175/cmi.v9i4.1218


Inmates are a population at risk for hepatitis B virus infection. It affects about 2% of Italian prisoners, while the prevalence in the Molise region seems to be higher, accounting for around 4% of the inmates.

The Authors report their experience in a penitentiary in the management of chronic hepatitis B with tenofovir. In particular, 10 male patients affected by HBV-related chronic hepatitis naïves to treatment confined in the prisons of the Molise region were treated with tenofovir 245 mg/die. The results show a satisfactory response, excellent tolerance, and no interruptions.

[Article in Italian]



Tenofovir; HBV; Hepatitis B; HBV-DNA; HBsAg

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