The first hours of traumatic brain injury. Evaluation and management in emergency room

Gustavo René Piñero, Azul Ferrari, Nicolás Muñoz Cruzado, Daniel Agustin Godoy



The traumatic brain injury is a common disease worldwide and it represents the leading cause of death and disability in different age groups, with an incidence of particular concern in adolescents and young adults. The Glasgow Coma Scale remains the best method for the initial classification of these patients and to define the route of administration. Since many deaths occur within the first two weeks of the event, it is necessary to optimize the training of health professionals to improve the management of patients with traumatic brain injury and reduce the morbidity and mortality. The primary objective of the first approach is to prevent secondary brain injury and to identify any intracranial lesions that require urgent treatment. The present review aimed to show how to approach to the patients with TBI in Emergency Room.


Traumatic Brain Injury; Emergency Room; Glasgow Coma Scale

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