SEEd's Journals Collection

Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways

eISSN: 2240-256X

Farmeconomia. Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways publishes original researches and reviews in pharmacoeconomics and health economics. It is indexed in:

The aim is to provide contents of the highest quality, authority and accessibility. Emphasis is placed on evaluation of new drugs and pharmacoeconomics models, but the journal also publishes economic analysis of all types of healthcare interventions and of health policy initiatives, evaluation of methodologies, and analysis of pricing and reimbursement systems. Readership includes health economists, market access experts, and in general everyone who has an interest in pharmacoeconomics, health economics, health policy, and public health.
Contents are subject to double-blind peer review process and are editorially independent. 
Farmeconomia. Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways is an open access journal that provides immediate open access to all of its articles (both HTML and PDF versions) on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

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Clinical Management Issues

eISSN 2283-3137


Clinical Management Issues published mainly case reports and articles on clinical management of a disease in all the fields of medicine and was published by SEEd Medical Publishers.

Clinical Management Issues is available and indexed in:

Clinical Management Issues was an open access journal. The aim was to provide clinical content of the highest quality, authority and accessibility.

The aim of the published case reports was to expand medical knowledge, allowing a better explanation of the practical application of a clinical guideline, or including an up-to-date review of medical knowledge in that field, or helping doctors to make better decisions in a “grey area”, or explaining how to manage a disease with an integrated approach between different specialists involved.

Clinical Management Issues also published unusual case reports (i.e. unusual side effects or adverse interactions involving medications, unexpected or unusual presentations of a disease, etc.), articles on clinical management of a disease, case series, editorials, and brief reports.

Content was subject to peer-review and was editorially independent. This journal provided immediate open access to all of its articles (both HTML and PDF versions) on the principle that making research freely available to the public supported a greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors were asked to state any professional and financial situations that might be perceived as causing a conflict of interest with respect to integrity of content.

Submitted articles should follow the author guidelines.

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Pratica Medica & Aspetti Legali

eISSN: 2283-4044

Pratica Medica & Aspetti Legali è indicizzata e disponibile su:

Pratica Medica & Aspetti Legali è una rivista online in open access, pubblicata secondo il "continuous publication model" da SEEd Medical Publishers.

La rivista pubblica casi commentati e lavori originali su argomenti di rischio clinico, malpractice, medicina legale e/o discipline cliniche correlate. Ampio spazio è dedicato alla casistica: i contributi sono selezionati con lo scopo di fornire un adeguato livello di informazione ai medici non specialisti di scienza medico-legale ma che hanno interesse a conoscerne i risvolti legati alla loro professione. PM&AL pubblica inoltre articoli che descrivano i rischi di errore medico e le metodiche per la loro prevenzione, lavori sulla gestione del rischio clinico e casi che mettano in luce i possibili rischi derivanti dall’impiego di un farmaco.

Pratica Medica & Aspetti Legali fornisce accesso gratuito e immediato agli articoli in versione html, in accordo con gli standard previsti dal bando europeo H2020 e dalle linee guida per l’Open Access delle Università italiane.

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Reviews in Health Care

Reviews in Health Care published systematic and narrative reviews in all the fields of medicine and was published SEEd Medical Publishers (print ISSN = 2038-6699; online ISSN = 2038-6702)

Reviews in Health Care was an open access journal. The aim was to provide clinical content of the highest quality, authority, and accessibility.

It considered any original review (both systematic and narrative) from clinical to economical subjects. We were primarily interested in reviews concerning drugs, devices, and diseases, but submission of reviews about surgical procedures or laboratory or epidemiological methodologies and techniques was of great interest to the journal.

Content was subject to peer-review and was editorially independent. This journal didn't charge article processing charges or submission charges. Authors were asked to state any professional and financial situations that might be perceived as causing a conflict of interest with respect to integrity of content.

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