Therapeutic Journey and Economic Burden of Patients with Myasthenia Gravis in Italy: Results of a Real-World Analysis

Valentina Perrone, Stefania Mazzoni, Maria Cappuccilli, Margherita Andretta, Marcello Bacca, Antonietta Barbieri, Fausto Bartolini, Alessandro Chinellato, Andrea Ciaccia, Alberto Costantini, Francesco De Vita, Stefania Dell'Orco, Fulvio Ferrante, Simona Gentile, Stefano Grego, Daniela Mancini, Marzia Mensurati, Rossella Moscogiuri, Romina Pagliaro, Nicola Petragnani, Cataldo Procacci, Davide Re, Fiorenzo Santoleri, Michele Giuseppe Tari, Loredana Ubertazzo, Carlo Giuseppe Antozzi, Luca Degli Esposti



AIM: This analysis investigated the population with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) in Italy, to describe epidemiology, mortality, patients’ characteristics, comorbidity profile, therapeutic management, and healthcare consumption and related costs.

METHODS: From 2012 to 2021, MG patients were identified in administrative flows of healthcare entities through hospitalization discharge diagnosis or exemption code for MG or a pyridostigmine prescription. Medications and comorbidities were searched before inclusion and healthcare costs were analysed at 1-year follow-up. Epidemiology estimates were reported as cases/100,000 people, and mortality rates, stratified by age classes and gender, were assessed during 2019. MG patients were compared with age- and gender-matched subjects without MG.

RESULTS: At the end of 2021, MG prevalence was 35.1/100,000 and incidence 4.7/100,000 people. Mortality in 2019 was 3.2% in overall MG sample, and tended to rise in males and elderly patients. About 90% received MG-related treatments, namely pyridostigmine, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants (81.3%, 76.9% and 26.1% of patients respectively). Unsurprisingly, the yearly healthcare resource consumption/patient was higher in MG patients than in non-MG subjects (p<0.001), resulting in increased annual direct costs for MG patients (€5,495 vs €823, p<0.001), related to expenses for hospitalizations (mostly related to nervous system and respiratory system), drugs and outpatient services.

CONCLUSIONS: In this study, incidence and prevalence of MG estimated in Italy were similar to other European countries and mortality rates were from 2 to 3-times higher than general population. Despite the current treatment options and adherence to guidelines for MG management, the clinical and economic burden of the disease remains high.


Myasthenia Gravis; therapeutic management; cost analysis; real-world evidence; incidence; prevalence; mortality.

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