Creare Valore Sanitario: nuove prospettive per il management delle aziende sanitarie

Giorgio Donna, Salvatore Nieddu



The value creation is the primary target of a firm and to this pattern is inspired each managerial instrument, behaviour and action. For particular firms as health companies, the pattern of value creation can be well – grounded, provided that it takes care of their particular attributes. Therefore this article is structured on the following methodology of analysis: first of all the pattern of value creation for private firms is shown making clear the meaning of value creation compared with firm’s strategic targets. Then the particular attributes of health companies and the meaning that value creation can undertake in these circumstances are analysed. If the creation of health value can become the strategic target of a health company, it is essential a valuation of the “key variables” marking out the way to create value. At last the change of classical instruments of management and administration control are described. To create health value is the real strategic target of health companies. After years of prevailing or exclusive orientation to efficiency, now managerial instruments rediscover the efficacy and the quality of medical treatments as “key variables” to program and control. Old management tools, such as the budget or the reporting, can become an excellent support for every operator, first of all the medical class that, because of various motives, was (and is) particularly refractory to these instruments. The pattern of value creation can become the philosophy which has to inspire all the health management instruments, and the common language for all the cultures and the professions inside the health companies. Concluding, the pattern of value creation can be an interesting proposal to innovate control systems of health companies and to put an end to the impasse of most of the health management’s applications, but, it required a new co-operation between managers and medical class. Only if the medical class will accept valuation and measurement systems of activity, the value creation will stop to be just a theory and will become a reality.

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