Il mercato dei dispositivi per stomia in cinque paesi europei: lezioni per l’Italia
Aim of the present study is to analyze the international market of the ostomy devices in Italy, France, Germany, U.K. and Denmark. The ostomy systems are technologically mature devices, and the more interesting market developments are about innovative modality of distribution and patients technical support, like home distribution. For every country it has been applied a common pattern, based on four aspect of the ostomy devices market: 1. the legislative aspect; 2. the prescription procedure; 3. the different models of distribution; 4. the competitive systems of pharmaceutical industry. All the data in this study has been galthered through relevant literature and interviews with the area operators. The ostomy devices are repayable against medical prescription in all the studied countries; significant legislative differences are registered in the repayment prices determination. For all the studied countries, in the decisional process related to the choice of one or another device, the essential role is played by the ostomy hospital nurse, that advises the patient immediately after the surgery. Finally, the more significant examples to innovate purchase and distribution process of ostomy devices in Italy comes from Denmark and U.K., where the home distribution is already available and it is working.
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