Valutazione dei processi assistenziali e del carico economico dei soggetti con ospedalizzazione incidente di infarto acuto del miocardio mediante il Data Warehouse DENALI

Lorenzo G. Mantovani, Carla Fornari, Fabiana Madotto, Michele A. Riva, Luca Merlino, Virginio Chiodini, Giancarlo Cesana



Aims: this study wants to estimate the economic burden of incident Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) registered in Lombardy (about 9.2 million residents). Method and results: a longitudinal study was conducted using a Data Warehouse (DENALI) that organised Healthcare Administrative databases of Lombardy related to eligibility criteria, hospital discharges (HDs), pharmaceutical and outpatient claims of citizens. All individuals with a HD for a first event of AMI during 2003 were identified and followed for 12 months. During 2003 12,049 individuals (64% males, mean age 70 +/-13 y.o.) had a HD for incident AMI. The total cost during the first year was € 163 million, corresponding to the 1% of the healthca re budget of Lombardy. The monthly cost in the first year was € 1,249 per person (77% attributable to HDs, 15% to pharmaceuticals and 8% to outpatient care). While most of the uptake of drugs used in secondary prevention was quick and happened in the first 3 months after the index event, the phenomenon of non persistence at 12 months was relevant. Conclusion: this large study on the burden of AMI shows the epidemiologic, economic and clinical impact of the disease. DENALI, with its large population followed over time, is a powerful and dynamic tool for epidemiologic and health economic research.


Incident Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI); Economic burden; Lombardy

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