Aspetti critici delle nanotecnologie nella sperimentazione clinica e ruolo del Comitato di Etica
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7175/pmeal.v5i2.314
[Critical aspects of nanotechnologies in clinical trials, and the role of Ethics Committee]
There is no doubt that nanotechnologies are wonderful and extraordinary technologies; they are the expression of human ability to manipulate the matter in order to manufacture new tools with higher properties. As enabling technologies, on one side nanotechnologies represent an important mean, but on the other present incertitude, at least in accordance with the current knowledge about them. In the complex relation between risks and benefits, the Ethics Committee (EC) may play a key, if not decisive, role, because it represents the public guarantor of the respect of the rights and the welfare of patients, contributing to improve knowledge about human health participating to clinical trials.
Parole chiave
Nanotechnologies; Nanomedicine; Clinical trials; Ethics Committee
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