Criteri diagnostici e valutazione medico legale in 35 traumi distorsivi di caviglia denunciati nella Sede INAIL di Genova – Sampierdarena
[Diagnostic criteria and medical-legal evaluation of 35 ankle sprain cases reported to INAIL, Genova, Sampierdarena, Italy]
Ankle sprain are one of the most common injuries, occuring frequently during working activities. Therefore it represent a frequent motivation for a medical-legal evalutation and consequent request for compensation to the Italian National Insurance Institute for Work (INAIL). This evaluation requires not only an adequate anamnesis, but also specific examinations in order to establish the correct management. Aim of this article is to identify its diagnostical and medical legal criteria. We report 35 cases observed in ambulatorial session and undergone clinical, radiological and ecographical or NMR valuation. 22/35 showed ligaments lesions of different gravity and underwent forensic medicine evaluation. We can conclude that careful clinical examination combined with a correct diagnostic assessment allow a more adequate valuation of permanent damage in ankle sprain.
Parole chiave
Ankle sprain; Medical-legal evaluation; Diagnostic tests
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