Fattori associati all’insuccesso della colonscopia

Leonardo H. Eusebi, Silvia Rostain, Liza Ceroni, Liboria Laterza, Marta Serrani, Lorenzo Fuccio

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7175/pmeal.v2i4.402


Colonoscopy represents the gold standard in the diagnosis of the colorectal cancer. Nevertheless in a small percentage of cases such procedure may result not diagnostic. To decrease the number of incomplete colonoscopies, it is necessary to be extremely careful not only during the procedure but also during the stage that precedes the exam, teaching the patients the correct use of the preparation. The clinical history of the patient (age, sex, and body index) especially searched for previous pelvic or abdominal surgery together with concomitant pathological processes, can be useful to the endoscopist to select complex cases that require specific caution. A further help can be offered by the use of conscious sedation to reduce patient’s discomfort and to facilitate the procedure. Nevertheless there are cases in which every attempt to obtain a diagnostic colonoscopy results vain; for such reason is necessary to consider alternative not invasive procedures like radiological examinations such as computed tomographic colonography or double-contrast barium enema.

Parole chiave

Colonoscopy; Incomplete colonoscopy; Failure of colonoscopy

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