La malattia insorta durante il periodo di ferie
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7175/pmeal.v6i4.438
[Illness arising during holidays]
This article examines the Italian situation about the illness arising during the holidays. The Italian Constitution states that workers have the right to a weekly rest day and paid annual holidays. The holidays are intended to rest and recover psychophysical energies. Therefeore if during this period comes a state of illness that prevents this recovery, the employee may terminate the leave. According to the Italian regulations, holidays aren’t automatically stopped, but it’s required that the state of illness prevents the worker actually to enjoy the rest and the recovery of psychophysical energies. For example, headache, having marginal reflections on the enjoyment of the holiday, is not likely to stop it. This is regulated by INPS, that should receive immediate notification of the disease.
Parole chiave
Holidays; Disease; INPS; Italian regulations
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