[Clinical and psychodynamic aspects of the therapeutic work with the anorexic personality]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7175/cmi.v17i1.1541
A psychodynamic profile at the origin of anorexia was described. In order to provide reliability to the considerations presented, the work made use of a sample of anorexic and depressed patients compared with controls, to whom a series of statistically processed personality tests were administered. This methodology brought to light that anorexic profile originated in childhood (adverse attitudes enacted by the personality of parental figures), interpreted by the child as a refusal of her own (fat) corporeity and the tendency to process information, express emotions and affections, react and act accordingly. These traits characterize the nascent personality and become apparent in adolescence (disesteem, insecurity, immaturity, social isolation, and sexual issues). Therefore, clinical work on the personality and anorexic behavior should aim at understanding the meanings attributed to the food and the body to initiate a correction and change. Such an intervention would tend to facilitate a gradual change in the original feeling and thinking of these dimensions in anorexia.
Anorexia; Psychodynamics; Alexithymia; Childhood; Adolescence; Hyperprotectiveness
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