Reviews in Health Care

Articles from last Issue. Vol 8, No 1S (2022)


Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics: Back to The Future. A visionary approach from the University of Bologna School of Pediatrics since 1950s
Roberto Manfredi, Francesco Chiodo, Gian Paolo Salvioli

Reviews in Health Care published systematic and narrative reviews in all the fields of medicine and was published SEEd Medical Publishers (print ISSN = 2038-6699; online ISSN = 2038-6702)

Reviews in Health Care was an open access journal. The aim was to provide clinical content of the highest quality, authority, and accessibility.

It considered any original review (both systematic and narrative) from clinical to economical subjects. We were primarily interested in reviews concerning drugs, devices, and diseases, but submission of reviews about surgical procedures or laboratory or epidemiological methodologies and techniques was of great interest to the journal.

Content was subject to peer-review and was editorially independent. This journal didn't charge article processing charges or submission charges. Authors were asked to state any professional and financial situations that might be perceived as causing a conflict of interest with respect to integrity of content.



Reviews in Health Care no longer publishing

Reviews in Health Care is no longer publishing. We thank all the authors and the reviewers who during these years contributed to the dissemination of knowledge through the submission of systematic and narrative reviews considering our journal as a venue for their work.  
Posted: 2024-09-03
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