Depressione, stile psicotico e bassa autostima nell’ideazione e nei comportamenti suicidari

Roberto Infrasca



Psychiatric disorders are the most important risk factor for suicidal behaviour. Many studies have shown that the suicide plays a crucial role in the structuring of self-injurious behaviours implemented to psychiatric patients. Numerous researchers reported that depressive symptoms, low self-esteem, and “psychotic style or psychoticism”, are the most important conditions involved in suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviour. In this area a significant aspect of clinical interest is the suicidal ideation. The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of suicidal ideation among a sample of psychiatric patients, and in general population. The total sample consisted of 1,130 females (mean age = 34.9; sd = 13.8) and 686 males (mean age = 38.6; sd = 13.5). The study sample included anxiety disorders – AD (n = 493; 27.1%), depressive disorders – DD (n = 768; 42.3%), somatoform disorders – sd (n = 370; 20.4%), and general population – GP (n = 185; 10.2%). All subjects were required to complete the MMPI test, including the MMPI scales for depression (D), schizophrenia (Sc), and Low Self-Esteem (LSE). Two indices were also obtained from the MMPI to measure suicidal ideation: the Threat Suicide (TS) scale, and the response to the item 339 («Most of the time I wish I was dead»: true = 1; false = 0). Each subject of the sample is characterised by a personal clinical profile organised by the absence/presence of the three scales (normal or pathological), together with positivity or negativity of the two indices. The statistical analysis were performed by logistic regression (LR), analysis of variance, Chi-square (χ2), and linear regression (Pearson’s r). Data emerging from this study support the validity of three scales used for assessment of suicidal risk. The results also showed the strong relationship between depression, suicidal ideation, and suicidal behaviour, compared to the other analysed groups, together with less suicidal risk highlighted by the general population.

Parole chiave

Depression; Psychotic style; Low self-esteem; Suicidal ideation; Suicidal behaviour

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