Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways

Articles from last Issue. Vol 26, No 1 (2025)

Original research

Retifanlimab Vs Avelumab in Patients with Metastatic Merkel Cell Carcinoma: A Cost Utility Analysis in Italy
Gianni Ghetti, Camilla Porta, Massimiliano Povero

Original research

Real-World Outcomes of Single-Inhaler Triple Therapy Prescribed by General Practitioners in Managing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Literature Review
Linet Odonde, Lorenzo Pradelli, Claudio Micheletto

Original research

Therapeutic Journey and Economic Burden of Patients with Myasthenia Gravis in Italy: Results of a Real-World Analysis
Valentina Perrone, Stefania Mazzoni, Maria Cappuccilli, Margherita Andretta, Marcello Bacca, Antonietta Barbieri, Fausto Bartolini, Alessandro Chinellato, Andrea Ciaccia, Alberto Costantini, Francesco De Vita, Stefania Dell'Orco, Fulvio Ferrante, Simona Gentile, Stefano Grego, Daniela Mancini, Marzia Mensurati, Rossella Moscogiuri, Romina Pagliaro, Nicola Petragnani, Cataldo Procacci, Davide Re, Fiorenzo Santoleri, Michele Giuseppe Tari, Loredana Ubertazzo, Carlo Giuseppe Antozzi, Luca Degli Esposti

eISSN: 2240-256X

Farmeconomia. Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways publishes original researches and reviews in pharmacoeconomics and health economics. It is indexed in:

The aim is to provide contents of the highest quality, authority and accessibility. Emphasis is placed on evaluation of new drugs and pharmacoeconomics models, but the journal also publishes economic analysis of all types of healthcare interventions and of health policy initiatives, evaluation of methodologies, and analysis of pricing and reimbursement systems. Readership includes health economists, market access experts, and in general everyone who has an interest in pharmacoeconomics, health economics, health policy, and public health.
Contents are subject to double-blind peer review process and are editorially independent. 
Farmeconomia. Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways is an open access journal that provides immediate open access to all of its articles (both HTML and PDF versions) on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



Call for papers


Submit Your Research to Farmeconomia Today!

Farmeconomia. Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways invites submissions for publication in upcoming issues. We welcome original research articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in pharmacoeconomics and health economics. 

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Focus and Scope: Submissions should focus on topics related to health economics, pharmacoeconomics, and health policy. 

  2. Originality: Submitted manuscripts must present original research that has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  3. Formatting: Manuscripts should adhere to the journal's formatting guidelines. Detailed instructions for authors can be found on Author Guidelines.

  4. Peer Review Process: All submissions undergo rigorous peer review by experts in the field to ensure high-quality, impactful research.


Submit your manuscripts here

Posted: 2024-03-28
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