Treatment of vaginal infections: effectiveness of the association of metronidazole and clotrimazole
The normal vagina of women of reproductive age is colonised by lactobacilli that produce lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins; these substances contribute to lowering the vaginal pH. A low vaginal pH creates an environment hostile to the growth of other microrganisms. When the number of lactobacilli is decreased, the resulting increase in the pH may favour vaginal infections. The three most common vaginal infections are bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, and vaginal candidosis. There are multiple clinical and laboratory tests for diagnosing vaginal infections; the most commonly used methods for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis are the Amsel’s criteria and the Nugent’s Gram stain scale. Infections caused by Candida and Trichomonas vaginalis can be diagnosed by microscopic examination of vaginal secretions. Clotrimazole and metronidazole, especially when administered topically, are highly effective in treating vaginal infections.
Bacterial vaginosis; Clotrimazole; Metronidazole; Vaginal candidiasis; Vaginal infections
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