Una metodologia per calcolare indici di rischio quantitativi dalle richieste di risarcimento delle aziende ospedaliere

Simona Dalle Carbonare, Fulvia Folli, Emanuele Patrini, Riccardo Bellazzi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7175/pmeal.v4i1.341


In the last years, the need of preventing medical injuries associated to clinical practice has pushed towards the implementation of risk management strategies in clinical environments. At the same time, the insurance costs that Health Care Organizations (HCOs) have to pay for the coverage of medical injuries steadily increased. Compensation claims for medical injuries are related both to clinical adverse events and to monetary compensations, so they can be exploited to analyze the HCOs risk areas. To this end we developed a probabilistic method, based on an approach developed in financial risk management, to obtain quantitative risk indexes from medical injuries compensation claims. This method was successfully applied to the analysis of the compensation claims data of the Azienda Ospedaliera of Lodi allowing to better understand the risk structure of the Azienda Ospedaliera and of its departments.

Parole chiave

Risk management; Medical injuries; Monte Carlo method; Actuarial analysis; Probabilistic models

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