Implicazioni medico-legali del trattamento endoscopico dell’ipertrofia prostatica benigna

Aldo Carnevale, Cristian D’Ovidio



We report a case of chronic urinary and faecal incontinence after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and inguinal erniotomy. The analisys of the surgical techniques used in the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy (IPB) and the characterization of the complications demonstrate that many adverse effects are due to faulty surgical technique. Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic aspects of prostatic hypertrophy are estimated and the “state of the art” of surgical treatment is traced, including positive and negative aspects. Particular attention was dedicated to the TURP, gold standard for IPB, singling out the risks and the possible iatrogenic injuries. Scientific references prove that the frequency of such injuries is wide distributed in endoscopic treatment and can be referred mainly to jatrogenic causes. The fundamental lines of professional liability are analyzed in order to the right of injury compensation, according to civil law.

Parole chiave

Prostate hypertrophy; Transurethral resection of the prostate; Professional liability

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Abstract: 491 visualizzazioni
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