Amministrazione di sostegno, volontà del beneficiario e rifiuto delle cure

Paola Delbon, Adelaide Conti



Many recent judgments, authorize the so called “amministratore di sostegno” (introduced in our legal system by Law n. 6 of January 9th, 2004) to express informed consent to medical treatments in the interest of the beneficiary/ patient – when he/ she is not able to make a reasonable assessment of his/ her interests, and then to express a valid consent to medical treatments – and even to refuse medical treatments, according to the wishes of the patients, on the ground of his/ her opinion, expressed in an advance care directive or resulting from his/ her behaviour, cultural background, ethical and religious convictions, etc. The article examines some judgments of the Italian Court that can better explain the importance and the meaning of this figure.

Parole chiave

Amministratore di sostegno; Support administration procedure; Incompetent patient; Advance care directive; Refusal of care

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Abstract: 534 visualizzazioni
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