La posta elettronica come strumento di informazione e non come “arma impropria”

Daniele Zamperini



The benefits to physicians of using the internet are known: most of the biomedical resources are available online and many of them are free. Besides, internet it is also a virtual community, where it is easy to contact specialists or to start a discussion on a medical forum. Anyway, also the web has its own rules of behaviour: the so called “netiquette”, that is to say code of conduct that governs behaviour on the internet. Even on the web a polite and adequate conduct should not be forgiven, to maintain confidentiality and privacy on discussion lists and e-mails, and to avoid legal consequences. This article gives some guidelines to improve the quality of discussions and communication on the internet, illustrating Sentences of the Italian Court concerning this topic.

Parole chiave

Privacy; Internet; Mailing list; Netiquette

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Abstract: 439 visualizzazioni
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