La potestà prognostica del medico di controllo e la qualità nelle cure
[The prognostic responsibility of the "medico di controllo" and the quality of treatment]
In Italy the “medico di controllo” is the physician checking diagnosis, prognosis and fitness for the job of an ill worker absent from work, whose disease is certified by the general practitioner. Unfortunately, this control is too often limited to assessing the presence of the worker at home. This article describes in detail the responsibilities of this class of physicians, analysing the actions to be done in the light of case law and INPS policies, such as the possibility for the workers to contest the judgement of the physician, the VMC/REF form to fill, the actions to do in case the worker is away from home, etc.
Parole chiave
Medico di controllo; INPS; Prognostic responsibility; VMC/REF form
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